Your virtual exhibition Exhibition every day Exampls
Always open. Accessible internationally without travel. An exhibition that never drops out. Without annoying hanging and unhanging. Always under optimal conditions. Optimal to advertise. More publicity for you and your works.
„Your virtual museum, timeless and built just for you and your works.“
Recommend us to others. For each successful referral of our museums "Basic", "Standard" and "Premium" you will receive 20% of the referred package price as a bonus. (based on price without VAT / payment will be made after customer settlement)
20% Premium
BASIC MUSEUM 840 €/plus VAT. 1x Foyer with info field "Exhibition description". + 1 exhibition room, central camera position, hanging of up tp 12 works + 12 pop-up large-scale displays of your pictures * (with picture info line on request) * The implementation is based on and and quality of the image and text material image and text material. Please read our general access conditions. Delivery of the virtual museum as a data package for upload.
STANDARD MUSEUM 1480 €/plus VAT. 1x Foyer with info field "Exhibition description". + 2 exhibition rooms, central camera position, hanging of up to 24 works + 24 pop-up large-scale displays of your pictures * (with picture info line on request) * The implementation is based on and and quality of the image and text material image and text material. Please read our general access conditions. Delivery of the virtual museum as a data package for upload.
PREMIUM MUSEUM 2400 €/plus VAT. 1x Foyer with info field "Exhibition description". + 3 exhibition rooms, central camera position, hanging of up to 36 works + 36 pop-up large-scale displays of your pictures * (with picture info line on request) * The implementation is based on and and quality of the image and text material image and text material. Please read our general access conditions. Delivery of the virtual museum as a data package for upload.
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Shop-connetion ... not yet available
Hosting 6€/month* Your exhibition on our server (Please read our access requirements) Regular automatic backup of your data Link to the exhibition for your mail advertising Link to the exhibition for integration into your homepage * Annual billing.
Homepage 480 €/plus VAT. Perfectly tailored to you as an artist (Please read our access requirements) Stylish modern web design Incl. 1x start page, contact page, imprint, data protection page with your details and menu link to your virtual exhibition Link to the exhibition for integration into your homepage * The implementation is based on and in quality of the image and text material supplied by you. Please read our general terms of access. Delivery of the homepage as a data package for upload.
Customization / PS- Overlay** 380 €/room (plus VAT). Exchange of 12 images in your virtual exhibition. (Please read our access requirements) In the PS overlay process, your works are replaced by means of image processing. Only identical formats can be exchanged, i.e. a portrait format can only be exchanged for a portrait format of the same size, a landscape format only for a landscape format. * The implementation is based on and in quality of the image and text material supplied by you. Please read our general terms of access. Delivery of the homepage as a data package for upload.
Extensions for your package


Switch for full screen display
All virtual exhibitions incl. 7 benefits!


On request with start effect (zoom into the foyer from above)


Exit switch - with forwarding destination determined by you


Special price for one year factory connection to our sales gallery (currently not available)(Please read our access conditions).


Hosting offer at special conditions.we put your exhibition on the web. (Please read our access conditions).


Homepage option at special conditions (Please read our access conditions).


Upgrade option. Your museum can grow at any time - at an upgrade price.
FAQ Frequently asked questions
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35 years of experience - Modern technologies - Individual support
Your virtual exhibition Exhibition every day. Examples
Always open. Accessible inter- nationally without travel. An exhibition that never drops out. Without annoying hanging and unhanging. Always under optimal conditions. Optimal to advertise. More publicity for you and your works.
„Your virtual museum, timeless and built just for you and your works.“
Recommend us to others. For each successful referral of our museums "Basic", "Standard" and "Premium" you will receive 20% of the referred package price as a bonus. (based on price without VAT / payment will be made after customer settlement)
20% Premium
BASIC MUSEUM 840 €/plus VAT. 1x Foyer with info field "Exhibition description". + 1 exhibition room, central camera position, hanging of up tp 12 works + 12 pop-up large-scale displays of your pictures * (with picture info line on request) * The implementation is based on and and quality of the image and text material image and text material. Please read our general access conditions. Delivery of the virtual museum as a data package for upload.
STANDARD MUSEUM 1480 €/plus VAT. 1x Foyer with info field "Exhibition description". + 2 exhibition rooms, central camera position, hanging of up to 24 works + 24 pop-up large-scale displays of your pictures * (with picture info line on request) * The implementation is based on and and quality of the image and text material image and text material. Please read our general access conditions. Delivery of the virtual museum as a data package for upload.
PREMIUM MUSEUM 2400 €/plus VAT. 1x Foyer with info field "Exhibition description". + 3 exhibition rooms, central camera position, hanging of up to 36 works + 36 pop-up large-scale displays of your pictures * (with picture info line on request) * The implementation is based on and and quality of the image and text material image and text material. Please read our general access conditions. Delivery of the virtual museum as a data package for upload.
Get in contact Get in contact Get in contact
Hosting 6€/month* Your exhibition on our server (Please read our access requirements) Regular automatic backup of your data Link to the exhibition for your mail advertising Link to the exhibition for integration into your homepage * Annual billing.
Homepage 480 €/plus VAT Perfectly tailored to you as an artist (Please read our access requirements) Stylish modern web design Incl. 1x start page, contact page, imprint, data protection page with your details and menu link to your virtual exhibition Link to the exhibition for integration into your homepage * The implementation is based on and in quality of the image and text material supplied by you. Please read our general terms of access. Delivery of the homepage as a data package for upload.
Zur Bestellung
Customization/ PS-Overlay** 380 €/room Exchange of 12 images in your virtual exhibition. (Please read our access requirements) In the PS overlay process, your works are replaced by means of image processing. Only identical formats can be exchanged, i.e. a portrait format can only be exchanged for a portrait format of the same size, a landscape format only for a landscape format. * The implementation is based on and in quality of the image and text material supplied by you. Please read our general terms of access. Delivery of the homepage as a data package for upload.
Zur Bestellung
Extensions for your package
All virtual exhibitions incl. 7 benefits! Free Switch for full screen display Free On request with start effect (zoom into the foyer from above) Free Exit switch - with forwarding destination determined by you Favorable Special price for one year factory connection to our sales gallery (currently not available) (Please also read our access conditions). Favorable Hosting offer at special conditions.we put your exhibition on the web. (Please read our access conditions). Favorable Homepage option at special conditions (Please read our access conditions). Favorable Upgrade option. Your museum can grow at any time - at an upgrade price.
FAQ / Frequently asked questions

I do not have a homepage. How to

find my museum on the Internet?

We are happy to create a homepage for you. Please read our homepage offer further up on this page. Take advantage of our hosting option: For a small monthly fee, we will put your museum on the web; you will receive a link that you can send to interested parties via e-mail or advertise in a flyer, ad, etc.

Images are to be exchanged.

How can I adapt my museum?

Use our PS overlay offer for this, it makes the time-consuming recreation of the museum in 3D unnecessary. By using image processing we can keep the costs relatively low. Please note that portrait formats can only be replaced by portrait formats and landscape formats by landscape formats. If you want to replace on a rotational basis, we will be happy to make you an individual offer.

How soon will my exhibition be


Several teams are involved in the construction of your museum, which speeds up the process. Nevertheless, we have to ask you for some patience. Please assume a production time of 2 to 3 months after delivery of your last production- ready documents.

Can my exhibition be customized?

Building a virtual museum is a complex process that would be very expensive if built individually. We have therefore developed a basic room concept that serves as the basis for your museum in order to keep the price within the feasible range. However, this has the consequence that individual adjustments are not provided for. However, if costs do not play a major role in your case, we will be happy to make you an individual offer.

What are the cancellation


A right of withdrawal of 14 days applies. This is the period we have set aside for the delivery of your image and text documents to us. We will not yet start building your museum during this period. However, once the actual production process has begun, withdrawal is no longer possible without incurring costs. In case of withdrawal during the production process, we will have to charge you for our expenses already incurred.
Zur Bestellung
Soziale Netzwerke
© 2022 fotos, text & design Hans-Peter Dolecki, Germany. Alle Rechte an Design und Inhalten geschützt.
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35 years of experience - Modern technologies - Individual support